Thursday, January 20, 2011

"It is More Important to be Righteous Than to be Right." - Lauryn Hill

I found this video on a blog of Lauryn Hill speaking at a high school. There are some people in the entertainment industry that I would love to know personally, and Lauryn Hill is one of them. In an industry where superficial ideals are put on a pedestal, it is refreshing to see someone in entertainment that has a real brain, and a responsibility to put out something real to the masses. While watching this I just imagined that it was just me and her talking and chatting (with mainly me listening). Watching this reminds me that whenever we open our mouths to speak, we have to make sure that our words are fruit and not poison. I am still trying to reach that level of maturity in my physical walk, but mostly my spiritual walk with Christ. There is a verse in the Bible that I placed as my bio on Twitter. Now, I didn't place this as my bio because it was true for me right now, but I did it so that I could be constantly held accountable for living up to the standard that the verse has. Proverbs 18:21 says, "Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit- you choose." While tweeting I think that is something that I need to remember from day to day.

What really stuck with me was her Righteous vs. Right statement. The way she broke down and separated two ideas that we often assume go hand in hand with each other was deep. I love her and watching this makes me glad she is still spreading knowledge to the masses. Watch the video below. Part I:

Part II:


  1. This is awesome!!! Such a blessing :) Thank you for sharing! It is a message I needed to hear

  2. This is actually Kelly Chikes from North West haha lizzy gray showed me your blog! It's awesome girl keep it up! I'm on my Dad's account lol that's why it says Gabe haha I didn't want you to be like who the heck is this?! haha

  3. Lol thanks for the love! Im not wierded out I'm flattered!!!Thanks again:)
