Monday, May 30, 2011

The Benefits of Using Peppermint Oil

As stated before I love all things Pooka! One of the creators of Pooka, Dawn Fitch, breaks down all of the many uses for Peppermint Oil. As explained in the video peppermint oil  is used for:
  • headaches
  • stomach problems
  • place in teas, water, etc.
  • mouthwash

Friday, May 27, 2011 Signature Curly

Hello everyone! I am very excited to rave about the new company I'm ordering hair from:!

After I ordered from Juju Hair Company I wanted to order again......but they had no hair! Everything on their website that I would want has been out of stock for weeks! I also had just a few complaints about the hair so I wasn't too upset. The search for was on again for great hair at a great price! I had saved up enough money to buy one bundle of hair from another site, and just before I made my purchase I decided to shop around. That's when I stumbled on this website. The prices are phenomenal!!! For 18 inches of their signature curly hair I paid $105. I was floored. I ended up buying two bundles with the money instead of just one at the other site.

You may not be able to see in the pictures, but I dyed the hair dark red and placed a few red highlights in the hair. I may want to dye it brighter, but I'm still deciding. I've only had this hair in for a few days so I cant tell you exactly how it will hold up. Check out the website here at

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pooka Pure and Simple Review

Hello everyone! I am so excited to share theses amazing products with you all. In the video below I give an honest review of two products from the Pooka Pure and Simple bath and body line. I discuss the pros and cons of the Shea and Olive Hair Butter and Fresh Sugah' Whipped Cream.

Check out more products from Pooka's bath and body line at

Sunday, May 22, 2011

OMG It's Prom!!!

Hello everyone!!!! School is finally out, and I am free! This past Friday Northwest High school had their prom and I styled a two of my friend's hair.

The two girls I styled had very different looks for prom. Charlene is pictured below with dark orange hair... I know dark orange!! We did an invisible part and styled her hair with bangs and lots of layers with curls. I did Charlene's hair earlier in the morning so immediately after I styled her hair, I put pin curls in it to keep it till the afternoon. She looked so beautiful!!!!! Go Charlene!

Sofia is pictured below with big soft spirals. Since her dress had a lot of details, she wanted to keep everything else simple but elegant. I styled her hair with a curling wand and separated the curls with my fingers for a fuller look.

I was really excited to do her makeup because all I've ever done for everyone was hair! I'm not a makeup artist nor do I want to be, but it was fun getting someone fully glammed for their prom.