Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another Happy Client!

I'm really bad at remembering to take pictures of the whole weaving process when I do someones hair. I did my friends hair the other day and as soon as I started weaving I thought I should stop and snap a few photos.

Here is Megan's regular hair length:

The braiding pattern

I placed "highlights" at the top and the bottom

Finished Product

Top View

Side View

Back view

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Growth Check! - August 3,2011

I bring good news! My hair is growing at a rapid pace and it is all because of one magic ingredient.......coconut oil! Whenever I take my weaves out I have to show my real hair a lot of TLC because it's been somewhat neglected for so long. This past weave and I went on a lot of adventures this go around. Swimming in chlorine, the ocean, sand, coloring, etc. So I really expected to have a hard time when it was time to take it out. Au contraire!!! I had put coconut oil in my hair and scalp before I installed my weave and the strength and the growth of my hair is unbelievable! I can't imagine using anything else on my hair now.

Curly/Wet: Before Trim

I wanted you all to see how serious my shrinkage is!!!

Blow dried: After Trim

Click here to see my other Growth Checks.


I recently had the opportunity to interview the ladies of GoDiva Studio. I must say that these ladies are so encouraging! GoDiva is an exotic dance studio that specializes in pole, belly and erotic fitness dance classes. The main goal is to empower women to tap into their sexy and get fit while doing it.

1. What inspired/started this company?

Sonya: In the spring of 2009, Ty approached me to be a part of a female investment group that later transformed into launching a small business. After about a month of brainstorming we decided to open an exotic dance studio. Within 6 months, we opened the doors to GoDiva Studio.

Nikki: Our partner Ty began taking exotic dance classes in ATL and loved it. We wanted to give the ladies in the NJ/NY/PA area the same experience.

Ty: I had always known that I wanted to open a business. I just wasn’t sure what type of business I wanted to open until I began taking exotic dance classes for fitness. I grew a passion for this form of fitness and I knew it was something I wanted to bring to my home state of NJ.

2. What was the biggest obstacle that you had to face in this business and what allowed you to conquer it?

Sonya: My educational and professional background is in Information Technology. I am not a dancer or an entrepreneur, so the biggest obstacle I’ve faced is offering a service that I cannot provide myself. Learning how to manage diverse personalities and work ethics has been a challenge. I am still learning so I haven’t quite conquered that obstacle, but my partners help me manage.

Nikki: When you own your own business there is never any “downtime”. You have to be ready for any and everything that comes your way. It involves organization, preparation, communication, teamwork and good problem-solving skills.

Ty: The biggest challenge for me really has been Marketing and finance. As a small business, the finances are not always there to market your company the way you would like.

3. What is the best thing about what you do?

All: THE LADIES!! Watching our clients enjoy the classes, get fit, and improve their self-esteem makes all the challenging days worth it.

4. If any of you did go to college, where did you attend and what was your major? Does your major have any relevance today?

Sonya: I graduated from DeVry University with an Applied Science Associates degree in Telecommunications Management and the New Jersey Institute of Technology with a Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Engineering.  It has no direct relevance but needed; school taught me to be organized and consistent.

Nikki: I attended St. John’s University and I majored in Computer Science. My major is relevant today because I also work in IT.

Ty: I graduated from DeVry University with both an Applied Science Associates and Bachelors of Science in Marketing. I also received a Post Grad certification in Executive Management from Emory University. My degrees and certifications are very relevant as I handle all of GoDiva’s marketing and promotions.

5. What are three things that you will always have on you. (cell phone, lip gloss, nail file, etc.)

Sonya: That’s easy, Blackberry, wallet, and lip gloss.

Nikki: Phone, make-up bag and water

Ty: IPod, blackberry and Vaseline

6. If I could only take one class from your studio, which one would you recommend that I take?

Sonya: GoStripTease and GoPoleTease— these classes instruct you on the essence of femininity and sensuality, two traits women are naturally born with so you will connect easily to the moves.

Nikki: I would suggest Beginner Pole. It’s great for women who have never taken a pole dance class before and it’s an awesome workout.

Ty: I would suggest GoSexy Chair because it’s the perfect blend of fitness and sexy. You get great cardio while being sensual.

7. What advice do you have to other students and young women who want to take the road less traveled?

Sonya: Do it! Follow your passion and do it wisely. Sometimes you will have to work in a career that isn’t your passion to get to where you want to go. Learn from every experience whether it’s school, friends, family or work. Understand that where you are now is helping you to get to where you want to be. Enjoy your evolution to becoming a woman. It can hurt but is so worth it!

Nikki: Trust your gut instinct at all times and pursue your passion, not what you think you should be doing.

Ty: Pick something you are passionate about because those days when it all gets overwhelming it is your passion that will keep you from throwing in the towel. Additionally, do your research, be very knowledgeable about your industry and if at all possible, find yourself a mentor that you can learn from.